Preservation and conservation of the synagogues in Greece - General

It was only in the recent years that synagogues, just like other urban entities became objects for protection, since many of them were destroyed during the continuous reconstruction of urban centers to which they belonged. The peculiar development of the region led to the deterioration and destruction of the traditional urban space, the dense construction, the tearing down of existing houses, the intensive exploitation of urban land. This combined with the fact that a large part of the population tolerated the destruction in progress either due to particular interests, or due to the weakness to realize the importance to protect cultural heritage. These people therefore used hard pressure on state officials who could have taken urgent measures of protection (…) Today it is considered that there are certain conditions not only to preserve monuments, but also to protect and reform the traditional urban center.

Recently, a detailed article was published on the occasion of the recent destruction of certain significant synagogues in the cities of Didimoticho, Komotini and Xanthi279, in Northern Greece. The article aimed at a more general concern on this issue, and the evasion of similar phenomena in the future. It mentioned the following regarding the synagogue of Xanthi: "According to a Ministerial resolution (ΔΙΛΑΠ/Γ/3497/52480/5-11-91), that was published in the Governmental Paper (978/B/27-11-91) the building was declassified as a work of art. In 1992 it was sold to be demolished, after an authorized permission (…). Religious Jewish Law 151 of Shulhan Arouch, the essence of the interpretation of the teachings of Mosaic Law includes a chapter on "Laws" concerning the synagogue. It states as follows: "Even after the destruction of a synagogue the area remains in a state of holiness and we have to respect it and honor it like before, with all possible care" (…). The area where the synagogue used to be was so densely reconstructed with apartment buildings, that it is on a spot that has been downgraded both from the point of view of aesthetics and urban planning.

VEROIA - Conservation plan by the team led by Elias Messinas

Before 1995, when the Identification phase (Getty Grant Program) took place, there was no other organized conservation program in effect for the synagogue of Veroia. All previous attempts were local repairs (e.g. local repair and replacement of borken roof tiles). Some of the repairs, although necessary, have not been sensitive and responsive enough to the original fabric, and have altered its original character (e.g. the entrance portico). The work conducted during the Identification and the Preparation phases (Getty Grant Program) included the identification of the present condition of the building, a complete architectural, structural and photographic survey of the building, preparation of architectural, structural, and electro-mechanical construction documents, investigation sections in the fabric of the building, material testing, and specifications for the work (a copy of the Identification Phase report is located in the Getty Conservation Institute Library, available on a non-circulating basis to the staff of the J. Paul Getty Trust and to outside professionals in related fields). The last phase also included limited Emergency Work, in order to maintain the building safely until the complete conservation work is implemented.

VEROIA - Unauthorized interventions

Letter by Ellias Messinas to the Central Board of Jewish Communities and to the Mayor of Veroia, regarding the 'restoration' of the 19th-century synagogue of Veroia, without the permission of the Authorities and without a proper conservation and restoration plan (June 15, 2005). In brief:

A letter sent to Moisis Kostantinis, President of the Central Board of Jewish Communities (KIS) and Christos Skoubopoulos, Mayor of Veroia, from architect Dr. Elias Messinas, an expert on Jewish heritage and synagogue architecture. The letter deals with the handling of the Jewish heritage of Veroia, which is being destroyed without the least intervention of the country officials. For example, the Jewish cemetery of Veroia has been turned into an open-air basketball court. The "restoration-destruction" of the synagogue of Veroia (a declared historic protected monument), undertaken by the Municipality of Veroia, took place without a conservation study, without a building permit, and with the tolerance and cooperation of KIS. This letter was cc'ed to the Ministry of Culture, organizations in Greece and abroad that protect the monuments of Greece. According to this letter, the Municipality of Veroia, the Municipality undertook extensive work in the exterior and interior of the synagogue, which in effect destroyed the building. It was based on no approved conservation study and not on the existing historic condition of the building. The destructive intervention, erased forever traces of earlier phases of the building of 200 and more years earlier. The letter requests the immediate restoration of the building to its previous historic condition, based on a detailed survey in drawings and photographs by a team of experts - funded by the Getty Grant Program.

Read the full letter (Greek) and letter published in Kathimerini newspaper / Also refer to the articles list and interview list for relevant publications

Επιστολή προς τους κκ. Μωυσή Κωσταντίνη, Πρόεδρο του Κεντρικού Ισραηλιτικού Συμβουλίου Ελλάδας και Χρήστο Σκουμπόπουλο, Δήμαρχο Βέροιας, από τον αρχιτέκτονα Δρ. Ηλία Μεσσίνα, ειδικό στον εβραϊκό πολιτισμό και συναγωγές. Η επιστολή αφορά στον χειρισμό της εβραϊκής κληρονομιάς Βέροιας, η οποία αφανίζεται χωρίς την παραμικρή παρέμβαση της Πολιτείας. Παραδείγματος χάριν, το εβραϊκό νεκροταφείο της Βέροιας έγινε ανοιχτό γήπεδο μπάσκετ. Η επέμβαση του Δήμου για την "αναπαλαίωση-καταστροφή" της συναγωγής (ιστορικού διατηρητέου μνημείου) έγινε χωρίς άδεια, χωρίς μελέτη και με την ανοχή και συνεργασία του ΚΙΣ. Η επιστολή αυτή εστάλη με κοινοποίηση προς το ΥΠΠΟ, συλλόγους και οργανώσεις στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό που προστατεύουν τα ιστορικά διατηρητέα μνημεία της Ελλάδας. Σύμφωνα με την επιστολή, ο Δήμος Βέροιας προχώρησε σε επεμβάσεις εξωτερικά και εσωτερικά της συναγωγής που - στην κυριολεξία - κατέστρεψαν το κτήριο. Καθώς δεν βασίστηκαν σε ΚΑΜΜΙΑ εγκεκριμένη μελέτη, ούτε μελέτη ειδικών, ούτε βάσει ΤΗΣ ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΣΑΣ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΚΤΗΡΙΟΥ. Η καταστροφή του κτηρίου, έσβησε για πάντα ιστορία 200 και πλέον ετών. Η επιστολή ζητάει την άμεση αποκατάσταση του κτηρίου στην αρχική του κατάσταση, η οποία είχε αποτυπωθεί στο παρελθόν από ειδική ομάδα αρχιτεκτόνων και συντηρητών σε σχέδια, φωτογραφίες και σκαριφήματα και η οποία χρηματοδοτήθηκε από το ίδρυμα Γκετύ.

Διαβάστε την επιστολή (Ελληνικά) και επιστολή που δημοσιεύθηκε στην Καθημερινή / Επίσης τον πίνακα δημοσιεύσεων και συνεντεύξεων για σχετικές δημοσιεύσεις

ATHENS (IANNIOTIKI) - Unauthorized interventions

Letters by Ellias Messinas to the Jewish Community of Athens, regarding the 'restoration' and demolition of the interior of the 1905 Ianniotiki synagogue in Athens, without proper permits and the permission of the Archaeology Authorities (29/8/06 and 9/9/06) (Greek). Also refer to the articles list and interview list for relevant publications.

Επιστολή του Ηλία Μεσσίνα προς την Ισραηλιτική Κοινότητα Αθηνών, σχετικά με την αυθαίρετη 'ανακαίνιση' και κατεδάφιση του εσωτερικού της Γιαννιώτικης Συναγωγής Αθηνών (1905), χωρίς τις απαιτούμενες άδειες και εγκρίσεις των αρμόδιων φορέων (29/8/06 και 9/9/06). Επίσης τον πίνακα δημοσιεύσεων και συνεντεύξεων για σχετικές δημοσιεύσεις.